If you would like to support Casual Commander, please consider becoming a patron. We offer three tiers of patronage, each with an increasing level of benefits. All funds will go toward producing more content. Thank you for your support!
Support Levels
Filthy Casual - $1 Per Month
Thank you for supporting the podcast! You wanted to say "I'm a filthy casual" and help continue to support us. This donation will go toward the hosting of the podcast, so we can keep the content coming!
General Support
Professional Casual - $2 Per Month
At this tier, you will get some benefits! You will be given access to the Patron-exclusive Discord channel, where you can have one-on-one discussions with Chris and Tim - including voice chats! Plus, when you first sign up for this tier, you will get a shoutout on a future podcast episode!
Includes Discord benefits
Patron shout-out
Live chat on Discord
General Support
Private community
Casual Commander stickers
Platinum Casual - $5 Per Month
All of the benefits of the previous tiers, as well as the following added bonuses:
10% Discount code for all merch on our store!
AMA questions, which will be answered on a future podcast
Deck review and future episode ideas. You get to help decide what we will record!
Includes Discord benefits
10% off all merch
Monthly AMAs
Patron shout-out
Fan requests
Live chat on Discord
General Support
Private community
Casual Commander stickers